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An Open letter to my dear Physical education colleagues


An Open letter to my dear Physical education colleagues.

This article will be a bit off from my regular articles. But, it was important for me to cover as physical education and sports science student. Previous year the movie chhalaang was released and was a massive hit. Many of you must have enjoyed it, I did too but, so many things were also disturbing for me. We can argue, if those were right or wrong that’s a different thing.

But, still, the question arises Why our profession has such a bad name?

The bitter answer is a lack of work ethics in physical education teachers. Yes, No matter How much you blame your school administration, syllabus pressure, parents limitations on students. But the truth is that you are the first problem.

Most of the P.E teachers are not aware of their importance in schools or if they know then it is only limited to themselves. No one is willing to be more educated, to be more knowledgeable, to be more productive, to be more athletic, to lead from the front. Let me explain to you this one by one:

-          To be more educated

I agree that education is not limited to collecting degrees or certificates there is a lot more in it. But, I can bet that more than 50%  +/-5% of physical education teachers haven’t completed reading a book related to training, physiology, biomechanics or anything related to sports science.

-          To be more knowledgeable

When was the last time when you attended your game’s famous coach’s online workshop or webinar? When was the last time you touch any book after landing on your GOVT. JOB? When was the last time when you read child psychology?

-          To be more productive

When was the last day you engage your class in any breath-taking activity? When was the last time you engage your school teachers in any fitness class in front of students to motivate them? Have you ever…ever…ever had clear students doubts in any of your class-related to human body????

-          To be more athletic

When was the last time you ran a full blow 100m ………leave 100m …..a 60m? When was the last time when you participate in physical activity with your class and compete in it? or if you fall in this category you should be ashamed of yourself as a physical education teacher…. When was the last time you hit a gym or followed a bodyweight progression regime for more than three months? Many of you must have had a hard time developing a habit the book below has helped me a lot in developing habits. You must check it out.

-          To lead from the front

The first thing which a student writes is the question What qualities do sports inculcate in us? is Leadership and the irony died hundreds of death when they saw the P.E teacher of that child’s school. When was the last time you say that I will take the responsibility of doing this or that in school?

Many of you never gave a thought about all these points or if you ever had, you never listened to your heart. Just wanted to ask one thing to our physical education community why is it that we always forget that feeling which we used to have in our school time, enjoying the PE teacher’s period, when we used to exhaust ourselves enjoying the game and were competitive.

Sorry, but you all have become selfish. You forgot to which profession you belong. You have forgotten what are your duties, you have forgotten what your roles are, you have forgotten WHO YOU ARE??


Do share your opinion below and I promise you I will be back with an article that will tell you, who you are as a Physical Education Teacher, what are your duties, what should be your goals, how we can improve our image?

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