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COVID-19, What research says about it till now ?

COVID-19, What research says about it till now?

The whole world is now fighting with COVID-19. According to WHO, till 29-June-2020, 09:46A.M 98,43,073confirmed cases and  4,95,760 confirmed deaths are reported all over the world. The first case was reported from Wuhan, China. However, China has almost recovered from this pandemic. 

                                                                   Corona Virus

First, I would like to clarify here that Coronaviruses were present among us in the past, COVID-19 is a disease and this virus is named as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2). It is a zoonotic disease which means it can be transmitted from animals to humans. This family of viruses can cause cold and illness ranging from cough to more severe diseases such as middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS- CoV). Its common symptoms are fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

Can coronavirus disease spread through the air?
 According to the previous study  which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine states that virus could be alive up to 3 hours post aerosolization. The research states that the virus was able to detect in the air for up to 3 to 4 hours depending on various factors such as temperature and conditions of the environment. It can live up to  24 hours on cardboard and 2-3 days on stainless steel and plastic (which is scary as most of us have stainless steel utensils in our houses).
UPDATE: But, know new researches have come, in a paper published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, associate professor Lydia Borouibia explained and suggested that when a person sneezes, the tiny droplets can travel as much as 2.5 meters because of a turbulent gas or a puff cloud. So, social distancing norms should be revised. Here you need to realize the importance of social distancing.
With that Dr, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, however, urged caution with the MIT study during a White House briefing.
"This could really be terribly misleading," he said, adding that it would apply only to people with extremely strong sneezes.
 However, researchers and scientists have a different opinion on this topic, scientists in Singapore says that if this virus could be airborne transmitted then the cases would have gone far away from the reach to handle by the healthcare authorities and governments all over the world.

Men are more affected by coronavirus than women

Italy’s data have shown that 60% of people who are affected and 70% of deaths are of men. The reason behind it is that the women are less susceptible to this virus because estrogen acts as protection cover from this virus, the symptoms get more severe and susceptibility increased as the scientists block the productions of estrogen in animals. Now please don’t start taking loads of estrogen, they will not help you.

Intrauterine vertical transmission of COVID-19 in pregnant women.

COVID-19 till now has not shown any trend to be transmitted from the pregnant women to the neonate. As the other two coronaviruses which were MERS CoV and SARS CoV wasn’t able to transmit from the pregnant women to the child. But, SARS- CoV-2 is more contagious than the other two. It is shown that there is a complex positive modification in women that could enhance immunity in pregnant women.
 In a study at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, 9 pregnant patients were tested positive for COVID-19, the evidence of transmission was assessed by taking the sample of amniotic fluid, cord blood, and throat swab sample. All 9 patients have a cesarean section, none of the patients died or have severe COVID-19. Nine live births were recorded. All samples were tested negative for the virus.

How much Lockdown is effective?

China lockdown it’s stated on 23rd January which and on 21st March it was the first day when no new case of the corona was observed in China. The cases coming are from foreign travelers. Although at first, it doesn’t seem effective it is effective. In India, people are taking it very lightly but if you want to feel the seriousness of COVID-19, here is a link and timeline of an Italian which helps you. Self-isolation is far better than being affected.

Is washing hand with soap effective or not?

Yes, soap is highly effective in the fight against COVID-19. Due to the outer membrane of the virus is made up of lipids and soap also contains a fat-like structure known as Amphiphiles, some structurally very similar to the lipids in the virus membrane. As soap comes in contact with these it binds and viruses also shed out from our skin with water. But as our skin has numerous grooves so these minute particles can be stick anywhere. So, you should rub your hands with soap for a minimum of about 20 seconds.

How to use hand sanitizers?

Washing hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer that must contain 60% of alcohol in it.
 Don't touch your face immediately after applying hand sanitizer, it may cause irritation.
 Try to avoid going near fires like the kitchen stove after applying the hand sanitizer.
 Teach your child not to put their hands in their mouth after using sanitizer.

What we need to keep in mind in this situation?
In a letter to Cambridge organization Milad Abdi namely Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) an outbreak in Iran; actions and problems, he has stated WHO guidelines and other preventive measures such as
  Ø  Restricting traffic in busy areas, temples, and pilgrimage
  Ø  Reduction of office working hours
  Ø  Limited control of people suspected from COVID-19 from one place to other
All these protective measures tell us how effective lockdowns of cities can be. Indian Govt, yet haven’t forcefully applied lockdown with the police force. But it is our responsibility to take responsibility of ourselves.

  ü  Stop blaming celebrities and rich spoiled brats for their carelessness, it is time for you to be careful.
  ü  Stop irresponsible gathering of religious and protesting practices, pray inside your homes.
  ü  Stop pointing out the carelessness of politicians if you feel any symptoms go in self-isolation, try to maintain distance from your own family members.
  ü  Stop well-organized hatred for the government and its measures. YES, we have less PPE but the demand for 8 Lakh bodysuits and N95 masks have been placed by the government.
  ü  Stop going to your neighbors for discussing politics and COVID-19, stay inside and be safe from it.
  ü  Stop stocking up groceries, you are allowed to go out and buy these essential items from shops during the lockdown.
  ü  Understand, Garlic, ginger or cow urine will not help you to stay safe from COVID-19, stay away from such claims and people.
  ü  Follow the lockdown rules, practice social distancing
  üavoid unnecessary travel in public places.

As my professor always says “YOUR SURVIVAL IS THE FOREMOST IMPORTANT THING YOU SHOULD BE WORRY FOR”. China at a point had more than 25000 cases, but from 21-march-2020, no new case was reported, it means it is possible to defeat this virus. We should also learn from the current condition of Italy. Keep in mind all these are developed countries with not so much population. India has densely populated states. The best way to fight it is to avoid it. 


  1. This is exactly what, I all about want to know
    🤔thanku so much🤘.i appreciate your efforts.😊

  2. solid work with well authentic refrences

  3. Excellent work, advices are helpful


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