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Lower back ache treatment at home

We all at some point in our life have experienced mild back pain. For some it is acute and for some it became chronic. This article won’t be a one-time read article, someone in your family, your relatives, or your friend might need it. I request you to do a visit, again and again, this page for the information according to your needs.

In this article, you will get some stretching and strengthening exercises that will help you in treating your back pain. There are many reasons which can cause back pain i.e. Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Sciatica, Bulging disks, Strain, Sprain. Another reason can be your sitting habit or bad postural habits and bad movements such as:
  •  Bending forward for a longer period
  •   Wrong pushing and pulling movements
  • Twisting
  • Lifting heavyweights
One more reason for back pain is high heels. According to a study published in Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy an increase in only 5 cm positive heel inclination can lead to lower anterior the pelvic tilt, lumbar lordosis, and sacral base angles when compared with zero heel inclination. The Thing to keep in mind is the cause of chronic and acute back pain varies.

 Generally, the problem in the neck and upper back are strain and sprain. Whereas, the pain in the lower back is related to compression fracture and herniated discs. We will discuss some of the mobility and strengthening exercises which are commonly and extensively used in physiotherapy or exercise therapy for treating back pain.

  • Glutes Bridge
back pain

Lower back stretch
This exercise also includes various bodyweight workouts. But a few know about its benefits for lower back or lumbar region.
      1. Lie flat on a surface (better if slightly padded) bending your knees.
     2. Hand flat and outside your body 
     3. Push through your heels, squeeze your butts, and raise your lower body while placing shoulder blades down.
     4. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
     5. Slowly bring your body down to the initial position.

  • Lying back extension or Cobra pose
lower back stretch

backpain stretch
1.   Lie in a prone position. Place hands at sides at chest level.
    2.  Push from your palms and lift your body upward, while keeping your waist down. Many people lift the whole pelvic region to stop that and also for adding resistance you can take aboard and tie a belt or cloth and tie your waist. Hold for 3-5 seconds.
    3.  Come back again to the initial position.
  •      Cat and Cow Pose
back pain exercises

lower back exercises

One of the most effective exercise which I have personally come across and recommends to everyone.
   1.  Bent down with feet apart and palms positioning down at shoulder width.   
   2.  Stretch your belly downward and heads gazing up to the ceiling. Hold for 1 sec. (Cow pose)      
   3.  Slowly pull your head downward and stretch your spine upward. Hold for 1 sec. (Cat Pose)

  •       Alternate leg and hand raise
lower back pain

back pain relief

One of the best mobility and strengthening exercise for the lower back.
   1.   Bent down with feet apart and palms positioning down at shoulder width.   
   2.   Raise your right hand with the left leg while maintaining your posture and balance. Try to position your arms, shoulder, and pelvis in a straight line. For beginners, it can be difficult. Maintain the position for 2-3 seconds
   3.  Come back to the initial position and repeat it with the other hand and leg. Maintain it for 2-3 seconds.

  •    Reverse V or Superman

Reverse V or superman is a strengthening exercise specifically targeting the lower back. I put it in a little bit intermediate and advance category as it is hard to maintain this posture. Stop the exercise if you feel any pain.
   1.    Lie facing downward (in prone position). Hand extending in front of you.
   2.   Slowly raise your hands, shoulder, and legs simultaneously. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds.
   3.   Slowly get back to the initial position and not like a potato bag.


  Ø  Thoracic Extension movements

upper back stretch

upper back pain
All these thoracic extensor exercises work effectively in people with kyphosis. It is also a great exercise for that whose job makes her/him sit and work on computers for longer periods. It can also help in treating shoulder forward rotation which is caused by faulty sitting posture. 
     1.       Lie facing down(prone). Hands sides. Grab a stick or towel behind the back. 
     2.       Slowly raise your chest and towel or stick behind the back. While looking at the floor. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds.

  Ø  Shoulder raises

posture abnormality

lowerback pain

1.       Lie down in prone position. Grab a gym ball/weight while extending your arms in front of you.
   2.       Slowly raise your arms and shoulder as much as possible. Hold it for 3-5 seconds.    
   3.       Slowly get back to the initial position.

  Ø  Thoracic raises

back ache

   1.       Lie in supine position hands in the sides. Bend your knees. It will be your starting position.
   2.       Slowly raise your hands backward while keeping elbow to the ground. Lift your chest up. Hold it for 3-5 seconds.

The general recommendation for performing these mobilities and strengthening exercises will be 5*5 (5 Sets of 5 repetitions). These exercises are not recommended for post-surgery. If your pain persists do consult a physio or a doctor. STOP THE EXERCISE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU FEEL PAIN.

BONUS: Many people experience lower back while sitting on a chair and during long drives. To counter it, scientists and physiotherapists recommend using a lumbar support roll or pillow. One thing which needs to be considered and why lower back pain should be treated is that the lower back and pelvis act as the base of the body hindering their normal function leads to change in Gate patterns and also can lead to uneven patterns of walking. For more information on knee pain, you can click here

According to research published in the Journal of Chiropractic and Manual Therapies suggests that a lumbar support pillow or cut out helps healthy individuals and patients with low back pain issues by decreasing the lumbar flattening and increasing the thoracolumbar curvature which is directly related to back pain. You can use it in the office and driving.

 You should take a pause of 15 minutes after every 1 hour of continuous driving. Walk around 50m or for 2-3 minutes. Do some back extensions. HOPE YOU ALL WILL HAVE A HEALTHY SPINE.

Mackenzie, 7 steps to pain-free life, 2000.


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