The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body. It is used in every locomotive activity. This makes it very prone to injury and pain. Weak knee joints make it more painful. In this article , you can know more about Knee pain causes, medical conditions, and relief. According to WHO osteoarthritis will be the fourth leading cause of disability by 2020 in the world. This article will present some of the best knee joint muscle and strengthening exercises. But first, as in my every article I say we need to understand some of its anatomy. It is very simple to understand that to train the joint you have to train the muscles. Keeping in this mind we will start with: The upper part of the leg QUADRICEPS (Thigh Muscles) Quadriceps are four major muscles Vastus Lateralis, Vastus medialis, Vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris. Attached to the knees and helps in various motions of knee joint mainly extension. In a study published in the Journal of the Annals of the Rh...
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